I'm proud to present my first math video: What is the Taylor Series of sin(x)?
The targeted audience for this video is a Calculus student who has been exposed to or is struggling with the concept of a Taylor Series. The video is a "worked example" where I go through the process of finding the Taylor Series of the sine function without cutting corners. I avoid the Taylor Series formula and try to set up the problem organically so that there is a discovery element to the video.
That being said, I'd refer to the genre of this video as "office hours" — it's not a mathematical romp or an outright lesson — it's a motivated example that I hope the algorithm delivers to a student in need. I certainly needed it back in the Fall of 2015 when I took calculus as a student.
I'd love to know what you think! This is a new direction for this project and I'm curious how it is received.